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Trevelyan HQ

Author SilverEye
Date Friday July 29th 2022
Catagory Solo Levels
Base Level Silo
Expansion Pak Required NO
Version Final
Previous Versions

Trevelyan HQ (153 downloads )
Meanwhile thinking why my previous level crashed, I finished my 8th level in the story of Alfredo Lamberra: Trevelyan’s headquarters, settled in silo. After infiltrating the base ,thanks to Ainex Potano, Alfredo is going to stop Trevelyan and get after him in his dangerous headquarters.
Bugs: When played with “all guns”-cheat, some ammo icons can change into grey garbitch.
Good luck!
p.s. One of the drone guns is like the one from my Belgium cave base level (invincible!), but this time, it’s not avoidable.
Lucky enough, there’s plenty of body armor and there are some extra surprises. Have fun finding them!