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Volcano Lair 1.1

Author Rey and Ami
Date Thursday February 16th 2017
Catagory Solo Levels
Base Level Caverns
Expansion Pak Required NO
Version Final
Previous Versions
Volcano Lair 1.1 (135 downloads )

Level: Volcano Lair
Modified Level: Caverns

Authors: Rey & Ami

Date: February 16th, 2017
Edited: January 20th, 2018 (by Wreck)

Rey: After an unintended halt of production of this level, it is finally complete. First off, I’d like to note somethings in case it gets of hand. When you complete this level it will say,”Mission Status – Killed in Action” No it’s not a glitch or anything. It was purposely set that way. Figure out why it’s like that in the next one. We are aware that you can walk through some items. This is because it is tagged as a “Weapon”. Lastly the little chain reaction sometimes glitches out and doesn’t explode rather it just disappears with no explosion. It seems to happen about 60% percent of the time. In an event that it does glitch up. You have other alternatives. If it does work in your playthrough, then I hope you enjoy the show as it took forever to achieve.

Ami: This is a tricky little level here. Really need to take it with caution. You may notice many changes to the level if you seen, Rey’s teaser video. I know this level may confuse many and even make them angry. The ending may confuse people more. The text may confuse people, especially your special encounter……So much confusion LOL

Edit notes…
Fixed a bad pad used in the 1002 action block.
Corrected key bitflags to prevent game crashing when guard drops.
Gave keys rename text.
Redid some objective bit values to fix their completions.
Lengthened car garage door remain open time drastically.
Lowered memory allocations a little.
Renamed Caverns for new level name.
All missions unlocked at start of new game.