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Launch Station

Author Rey
Date Saturday July 30th 2022

In this mission it continues from Abandoned Street’s. Bond is sent by, Rolland’s father to his Launch Station to prevent them from using his data and his shuttle. With no explanation why, Bond heads to his Launch Station.

Dark Corridor

Author Rey
Date Saturday July 30th 2022

Your only objective is to Meet up with Kazuya. I did not succeed in putting Kazuya’s theme and another surprise theme from Tekken like I wanted but hey, Level is still bad@@#. Special thanks to SubDrag for helping me with a text problem I had. Major thanks to Spyster for trying to convert the songs…

Abandoned Streets 1.1

Author Rey
Date Saturday July 30th 2022

Level: Abandoned Streets Modified Level: Streets Author: Rey Date: February 27th, 2015 Edited: January 31st, 2018 (by Wreck) Objectives A: Rescue Rolland’s father B: Find vital documents C: Eliminate unknown threat There are 2 known glitches in the level. One if Rolland’s Father dies, then the game crashes. I was not able to fix the…

Underground Base Reborn

Author Rey
Date Saturday July 30th 2022

My remodeled Bunker 2 level is complete. One 2 none glitches is sometimes the a guard gets stuck in his guard path and open and closes a door. Second, you can not hold a double weapon ZMG weapon when you get it from a guard. This level must be played stealthy or you will be…

Surface Infiltration v1.1

Author Rey
Date Friday July 29th 2022

Name: Surface Infiltration Author: Rey Date: October 25th, 2014 Edited: January 31st, 2020 (by Wreck) Replaces: Surface 1 Description: Continue Rolland’s saga in Surface Infiltration. Edit notes v1.1… Removed collisions from keycards, held one crashed console. Modified bug computer objective and its related props. Added failure check if bug placed incorrectly. Fixed grating at ventilation…

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