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Secret Hideaway

Author SilverEye
Date Friday July 29th 2022

My 6th level: Budapest Secret Hideaway, settled in Statue Park. Taking photographs, destroying and collecting objects, and a confrontation with Trevelyan-It’s all in this level. Featuring: more edited stuff (like Ltitle), you will see. No bugs (well, i didn’t find any) Note: there are drone guns in this level, but they act pretty slow. But,…

Nigeria Forest

Author SilverEye
Date Friday July 29th 2022

I continue my Alfredo Lamberra-story with this level: Nigeria Forest, settled in jungle. This is my 7th level in the series. After hunting Trevelyan out of his hideaway in Budapest, Alfredo discovered the location of the installation Trevelyan mentioned in the previous mission. He is now going to infiltrate via the forest, to get into…

Trevelyan HQ

Author SilverEye
Date Friday July 29th 2022

Meanwhile thinking why my previous level crashed, I finished my 8th level in the story of Alfredo Lamberra: Trevelyan’s headquarters, settled in silo. After infiltrating the base ,thanks to Ainex Potano, Alfredo is going to stop Trevelyan and get after him in his dangerous headquarters. Bugs: When played with “all guns”-cheat, some ammo icons can…


Author SilverEye
Date Friday July 29th 2022

Here we are: my 9th level, the last one in the story of Alfredo Lamberra, situated in Dam, called Dam Showdown. Alfredo finally takes his revenge against Trevelyan. Bugs: zero. Unfortunately, I couldn’t change the music like I intended.

Chase for Hollis

Author SilverEye
Date Friday July 29th 2022

Finally, I can present you my 3 level-in one-patch! The complete story is called ‘The chase for Hollis’. Including: Old depot-Alfredo, making a comeback this time, is sent on a mission where his objectives seem to be extremely unclear. Will he be able to find (the right?) person who tells him what to do? Labyrinth-After…

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