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Satellite Control Bunker 2

Author Zka
Date Wednesday February 28th 2018

Name: Satellite Control Bunker 2 Author: Zka Replaces: Bunker 2 Description: Here is the secquel to Satellite Control Bunker. Can be challenging, all guards have a specific amount of armour/reaction time and accuracy, just like in Aztec. Objectives are very simple and not to difficult. For some of the good players, using a PP7 only…


Author Pheonarx
Date Saturday February 24th 2018

Created by Pheonarx. This is my fifth level in the story. Took a break and came back with a level that could be played two different ways. You are in disguise and none of the cameras/turrets/guards will spot you if you lay low and play smart. Or you can shoot people, fair game. ——- Level…


Author Zka
Date Sunday February 18th 2018

Name: Hotel Replaces: Archives Files included: Setup file, xdelta file & a screenshot. Level description: Here’s my fourth GE level, taking place in Archives. A simple mission at the Park County hotel in San Francisco(made this up). Help from: – Carnivorous, helped me with most of the things. Such as action blocks, text and testing….


Author Coockie1173
Date Wednesday February 14th 2018

GE 007 – Basement Dev – Coockie1173 Version 1.0 Level: Aztec —–—- Installation: Patch the XDelta file to a fresh goldeneye ROM Helping hands: Carnivorous (testing & UV + portal fixing) Pheonarx (testing and speedrunning- best time 00A 1:26) Dark0/tomislav (testing) Johnny Thunder (testing) ZKA (testing) Manah (Support?) —— Time taken to make level: No…

Byelemore Cliff Base

Author Zka
Date Monday February 12th 2018

Byelomorye Cliff Base Readme < Primary objectives(00 Agent): a. Disable surveillance cameras b. Collect chemical samples c. Sabotage main control consoles d. Eliminate general e. Destroy chemical waste bins Easy level, bossfight can be challenging. Updated patch includes monochrome guards and other minor tweaks to the setup. The level replaces Facility. Thanks for playing!

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