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Yoshi’s Racing Story

Author Sixty Four
Date Monday March 21st 2022
Catagory Tracks
Base Level
Expansion Pak Required NO
Previous Versions


Yoshi’s Racing Story (241 downloads )

Author: Sixty Four

Date: March 24, 2019

Category: DKR-Levels

Level: Various



Title : Yoshi’s Racing Story V1
Date Completed : 3-21-19
Filename : Yoshi-Race-Story64.xdelta
Replaces Level: Various
Author : Sixty Four
Email Address :

Update :4-4-19 V0.4
Added the mini challenge keys for adventure mode to Yoshi Falls and Froggy Haze
Added the level name signs in adventure mode for the first domain

Update :3-26-19
Added Yoshi in Hover and Yoshi in Plane
Retouched the Red Yoshi select screen character to make it better
I need to add some more levels now to better correspond with all vehicles, soon

Description :

*Mod that features Yoshi as a playable racer. Green Yoshi replaces Timber and Red Yoshi replaces TT. Red version has TT stats for more speed and is a smaller scale. It also has 4 brand new levels in a Yoshi universe theme.
*Car/hover/plane vehicles are supported for Yoshi. With an update I’d like to add levels to correspond with them. More levels to come to go with Hover and plane also. Soon.
*There is also a “Yoshi Only” version which will not have any new levels here: Coming very soon.

Levels Featured:

Yoshi Falls, Replaces Ancient Lake: Brand new Level using SSB Yoshi textures.

Yoshi Valley, Replaces Fossil Canyon Brand new level using Yoshi textures from MK64

Yoshi Canyon, Replaces Jungle Falls Brand new level various texture mix Yoshi SSB/DKR

Tall Tall Yoshi, Replaces Hot Top Volcano Uses Tall Tall Mountain Textures also uses the SM64 mushrooms as prop design.

Bonus levels:

Yoshi Donut Replaces Everfrost Peak: A retexture of the Big Donut level originally from SubDrag its a snowy donut.

Froggy Haze Replaces Boulder Canyon: My original Track

Unused Volcano Replaces Greenwood Village: Extra track

Yoshi’s Haunt, Replaces Star City: A retexture of Big Boo’s Haunt my original level. Its simply to make room in the rom…

Additional Credits :

SubDrag for creating the editor and original work.
Zoinkity for the original model rip of Big Donut
Carnivorous for updates to the editor
Mosky2000 for amazing music tips and creating the music for Yoshi Canyon!
Rareware and its individuals for making these amazing games.

* Play Information *

Race Type: : Standard
Adventure Mode : Yes
Tracks Mode : Yes
Silver Coin Challenge : Yes
New Sound : Yes -Yoshi Sounds MK64 and a text to speech for level names
New Music : Yes -Midis From Yoshis Story, Yoshi’s Island, and Super Mario 64
New Textures : Yes Yoshi textures from Mario Kart 64, Super Smash Bros
Vehicle(s) : Car/Hover/Plane
N64 Compatible : Yes

* Construction *

Base : All new levels from scratch
Editors Used: GoldenEye Setup Editor, Blender
Known Bugs :

Important Notes : Report any bugs you can find thanks. Join the discord if you like:

Installation : Apply a xdelta patch to the xdelta file and run the rom on your choice of software or N64 console.