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Complex (Oofjay)

Author Oofjay
Date Tuesday February 4th 2020
Catagory Solo Levels
Base Level Depot
Expansion Pak Required NO
Version Final
Previous Versions
Complex (Oofjay) (197 downloads )

The well-known silver multiplayer level is the stage for one of James
Bond’s many missions. He will infiltrate this compound to stop a
terrorist plot. Plenty of guards, destructible objects and scientists
await him.

Includes custom music, female scientists, and regular shotguns! The
mission will give you a decent challenge, without being frustrating.
Guard accuracy and reaction speed have been upped a little.

This mission has been tested on console, and works. It replaces Depot,
and can also be quickly recognized as “Complex” in the mission menu.

Made by Oofjay. Special thanks to Carnivorous for helping me with his
extensive knowledge of GoldenEye and the editor!

It has been 4 years since I first started working on this, so hopefully
it is worth the wait 😛 Enjoy!