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PTCH v1.1

Author Sixty Four
Date Friday March 25th 2022
Catagory Solo Levels
Base Level
Expansion Pak Required NO
Previous Versions


PTCH v1.1 (192 downloads )

Author: SNESVideoGames0

Date: August 5, 2011

Category: Solo Levels

Level: Facility


Name: P.T.C.H.
Author: SNESVideoGames0
Date: August 5th, 2011
Edited: March 2nd, 2020 (by Wreck)
Replaces: Facility

An experimental solo test-like level with lots of variety of guards/objects and some fun action blocks.

Edit notes v1.1…
Updated outro scene data, crashed console.
Roberto begins moving when player assumes control.
Made Roberto give Bond remote mine.
Removed remote mine & detonator from inventory.
Changed bug deposit objective type.
Included messages for bug use.
Added fail check for bug misplacement.
Updated bomb case checks.
Added fail check for bomb case misplacement.
Updated emergency room door to unlock with alarm.
Wrote interaction text for emergency room door.
Updated emergency room light to change with alarm.
Redid photography check method.
Everyone now leaves when Bond investigates.
Changed rotation and size of energy device.
Edited flags on custom door.
Made wooden crate hall blocker immune to gunfire.
Moved both bomb case and ZMG pickups.
Adjusted bomb case flags.
Removed unused keycard.
Included unused dialogue from text file.
Added some more dialogue for characters.
Removed two characters due to memory issues.
Edited intro cam text.
Updated watch level name.
Changed menu folder location name.
Cleaned up briefing and other text.
Other miscellaneous edits.
Lowered texture memory slightly.
Started over from fresh ROM.