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Author Pheonarx
Date Saturday February 24th 2018
Catagory Solo Levels
Base Level Bunker 1
Expansion Pak Required YES
Version Final
Previous Versions
Retract (165 downloads )

Created by Pheonarx.

This is my fifth level in the story. Took a break and came back with a level that could be played two different ways.
You are in disguise and none of the cameras/turrets/guards will spot you if you lay low and play smart.

Or you can shoot people, fair game.

Level and Setup : Pheonarx

Special Thanks/Credits:
-Carnivorous : Custom functions, helped alot over the past few months in my understanding of Goldeneye’s engine.

-Zoinkity : For the Spectrum Emulation patch and Expansion Pak patch.

-Luke : still love ya xD


To install just apply the xdelta patch in the setup editor.

Hope you all enjoy!