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Author Pheonarx
Date Tuesday November 21st 2017
Catagory Solo Levels
Base Level Surface 1
Expansion Pak Required YES
Version Final
Previous Versions
Standoff (119 downloads )

Created by Pheonarx.

This is my fourth level in the story arch, decided to sit back for a few weeks and work on a level that’s both fun and difficult.
It’s includes voice callouts from gaurds, gun jamming, and you can hear your own footsteps (thanks Carn)
This follows the storyline, loosely, of my previous levels. Probably some bugs, like usual, but all will be fixed as time goes by.


Level and Setup : Pheonarx

Special Thanks/Credits:
-Carnivorous : helped me out in fixing my action blocks, giving me those lucious footsteps, and giving me tips on how to do stuff.

-EntropicDecayGaming : fun videos to watch, and provided voice acting for some of the characters.

-Zomboman : face for the evil boss bad guy, voiced him and other guards.

-Zoinkity : for the Spectrum Emulation patch and Expansion Pak patch.

-Luke : love ya xD

-Graslu : n64 testing and feedback. (There’s a bug with the midi, if you stay in your watch too long on n64 it may crash, trying to fix)


To install just apply the xdelta patch in the setup editor, like usual.

Thanks for the support, and the criticism, once again! Same as before, try using the PP7 or go all out with the dual ZMG’s or hose them down with the AR33.