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Kaientai Archives RO&D

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Kaientai Archives RO&D (187 downloads )

Author: TAKA Michinoku 9.1

Date: February 20, 2009

Category: Solo Levels

Level: Archives


Level: KAIENTAI Archives.
Modified Level: Archives.
GS Codes: None, except code list for console.

Created by{Author}: TAKA Michinoku9.1
Start Date: 16th June 2008
Re-Begin Date: 10th January 2009
Finish Date: 19th February 2009

Taken from Russia by members of Kaientai’s RO&D, Bond finds himself locked up in a Japanese prison.
M Briefing:
Something strange is going on, 007. MI6 has been receiving videotapes from a PEPE Michinoku, who claims to be the real leader of Kaientai. He’s also taking credit for designing the weapons they’ve been manufacturing throughout Japan. On top of that, there’s been no word regarding TAKA’s whereabouts, either.*Stay sharp.
Q Branch:
The first thing you should be concerned with is recovering your personal effects. All of the evidence you gathered during your stay in Russia will have likely been moved to another part of that prison. Track it down and bring it back here. Oh, and unless you want your getaway being spoiled, I’d suggest disabling their payload of missiles. Fireworks can be deadly, you know.
According to our sources in Japan, PEPE Michinoku is TAKA’s younger brother. He owns and operates multiple factories in Kitakyushu, mainly dealing in knock-off electronics. There’s been suspicions of illegal activity, though no charges have been able to stick.**We don’t know much else about him, James. Do be careful.

a).Regain Safe house Security Video.
b).Destroy KAIENTAI Missiles.
c).Reclaim Evidence Files.
d).Escape with Prisoner TAKA?


The first mission i ever started work on, 8 months of being pulled from the
Graveyard but soon returning. Now after 8 months it has a story to go with the Mission.
This has gone through quite a lot of changes from the first layout but keeps a similar style.

After being captured by TAKA in Russia Bond has been transported to a prison in
Kitakyushu Japan. The prison is owned and operated by the younger brother of
TAKA, “PEPE Michinoku”. It also seems that videos are being sent by PEPE to M.
These videos announce that TAKA is not the leader of KAIENTAI RO&D but PEPE is?
Also it is apparent that TAKA has not been heard from or seen since this started.
There is very strange goings on in that prison and where do KAIENTAI
pledge their allegiance? This may all unfold in the next exciting chapter in the ever unwinding story
Of TAKA Michinoku9.1.

1).Dragonsbretheren: Assisted me to create the Action Block that tests for difficulty which
i used more than once and for a very special Action block in this level which was the orignal
intention of needing it. Also for Testing my mission out finding out the problem with the intro camera
that helped me clear it up by deleting the second one. Suggesting Key seperate names A,B,C,D,E.
2). Wreck for rewriting the Briefing for me it really is brilliant work.

Mission Beta Testers[in order]:
1.[Dragonsbretheren(Early and Late Versions)]

Contact Details: If you notice any problems with this mission please contact me about it @
or on Xbox Live my Username is; TAKA Michinoku9
or of course contact me on shooters @ TAKA Michinoku9.1

KAIENTAI Archives Copyright of TAKA Michinoku9.1
©TAKA Michinoku9.1