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WW2 City

Author Flargee
Date Saturday January 11th 2020
Catagory Solo Levels
Base Level Runway
Expansion Pak Required YES
Version Final
Previous Versions

WW2 City (146 downloads )
WW2 City.

NOTE: If running on Carnivorous’ build of 1964 (, guards will harder to fight in order to counter-act the game being easier due to mouse aim.
If running on Project 64, please disable “Advanced Block Linking” in the settings, or the map will not work.

If running on console, you can enable hi-res mode by holding L while the map loads, and release once you begin playing. Expect lower frame-rates due to this, though.

The sequel to WW2 Hanger. It features updated versions of the custom weapon and guard models, along with new sounds, and a new enemy type!

This mod also uses the footsteps patch and and custom guard action blocks supplied by Carnivorous, it can be found here (


• Carnivorous- Used his Guard melee action blocks and footsteps patch, along with helping me a lot with the ASM edits required for the idle anims on the new enemy. Block for checking if running on 1964, and reusing his blocks made for my last map, and using the hi-res block and ASM edit.
• CrashOveride – M1 Garand ping block and providing the SFX. Various suggestions/testing
• ZoinKity – used his 7 MB patch

Sorry for taking so long to finish this. Was suppose to release on Christmas, but I wasn’t feeling it.

By using this patch you confirm that you will not sell or make any profit on the patch or resulting modified ROM
You also agree that the ROM will not be included in any emulator builds or assembled ROM sets
To apply the mod, patch in the setup editor or the xdelta patcher of your choice.