Turok Second Chance

Author: Behemoth Programmer

Turok Sanctum Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/second-chance/

Steam Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=842733457

Start a normal game to play. This mod is a remix of the original levels with an alternate story line and several added features. This is an old project I did many months ago before the level editor came out so things could be…better…..and the difficulty balancing. I’d recommend the use of the infinitelives cheat.

Version 0.6
– Current progress on monkeys, challenges, and weapons can now be viewed by appoaching The Merchant
– Curious monkeys have been spotted throughout the lands. Catch them all!
– Find Challenge Totems and Challenge Keys to complete challenges in order to unlock weapon upgrades
– Every Weapon now has an upgraded version which you can find throughout the levels through challenges
– New Enemy (Flying Triceratops Head)
– Level 1 and 2 now contains 2 oblivion portals with one leading to a boss battle.
– Black Portals now appear in certain parts of every level and take you to a new map, the Arena, where you must battle forces trying to stop you.
– Fixed fire traps
– The Bow no longer has infinite ammo instead a new arrow pickup spawns when hitting an enemy or animal
– The Bows super shot no longer does instant kill damage on some enemies, instead it now does about double damage then max bow charge.
– Super Arrow Shot Flashes the bow more noticeably
– When entering the merchant map your normal arrows are refilled for free
– Lowered cost of weapons and items
– Stopped Music during opening cutscenes
– Improved the Max ammo doubled for bullets and shells
– Lowered player movement speed back down to 125% of the original move speed.
– Created an in game actor editor to help speed up adding stuff to maps.

Version 0.5
– Each level has been slightly altered in different ways
– Purchase weapons and items from The Merchant a new area that is accessible from red – portals placed on each level
– Life force pickups are now used as currency and enemies drop different amounts of them
– Weapon stat changes
– New weapon, Laser Rifle, fires a charged laser beam that can reflect off walls and explodes on impact
– Boss battle changes
– Opening cinematic story
– Pong mini game accessible from the main menu

Last time on Turok Dinosaur Hunter…Turok faces the Campaigner but is killed. Adon travels back in time and gives Turok a second chance to stop the Campaigner.
In the Lost Land time has no meaning and The Campaigner is ready to defeat Turok again, but this time he plans on taking the Chronoscepter to control the universe.
Meanwhile an unknown force plots to stop Turok from achieving his goal.

Red Portals and The Merchant
Red portals will take you to the Merchant. The merchant sells weapons and items in exchange for spirits you have collected. The Merchant doesn’t like knives.

Oblivion Portals
Throughout the levels black portals will suddenly appear and take you into them where you will face unknown forces trying to stop you.

Knife – Damage on Humans lowered by 50%. Removed set damage on Backstabs; they do double damage instead. | Upgrade: Fires a short range slash projectile
Bow – Normal arrows spawn arrows on enemy hit and their damage increased by 25%. | Upgrade: Super Arrow Shot
Pistol – Fires 25% faster and doubled ammo | Upgrade: Fires 3 Bullets in quick succession
Shotgun – Fires 25% faster and doubled ammo | Upgrade: Double Damage + Exploding Kills
Minigun – Consumes 3 rounds per shot (down from 4) | Upgrade: reduced ammo cost per shot to 2
Grenade Launcher – No changes. | Upgrade: Explodes into more smaller grenades
Laser Rifle – New Weapon that fires a charged laser beam that can reflect off walls and explodes on impact. | Upgrade: Red charge up shot that’s more damaging.
Rocket – No changes | Upgrade: Faster Shot time and projectile speed
Fusion Cannon – No changes
Chrono – Can’t be used in final battle. (temporary until I finish work on the final battle)

Other Changes
– Player Movement Speed Increased by 25%
– New item Sacred Eagle Feather can be purchased from the Merchant
– Level 1-4 altered and long hunter and campaigner boss battles

What’s not finished
– Levels 3-8 and all Spirit maps
– Mantis and T-Rex boss battles
– Refinement on modified levels/bosses
– Oblivion Portals
– End game cinematic

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