[Original PC Multiplayer] T2 kub’s mod [New weapons] [New gamemodes]
Author: kubpica
Turok Forums Release Thread: https://www.turokforums.com/index.php?topic=526
Turok Sanctum Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/original-pc-multiplayer-t2-kubs-mod-new-weapons-new-gamemodes/
Put all files to the game dir and use ‘Turok2MP Launcher – kubs mod.exe’ to launch the game.
It may be considered by your antivirus as virus as it changes variables in the game memory.
Want host server for my mod? -> kubpicapf@gmail.com
-New weapons: razor wind, tranquilizer gun, sunfire pod, P.F.M. layer (mines), AirStrike, DinoRidingGun.
-Unlocked FPS, removed input lag, better mouse movement
-Custom characters: editable size (height, thickness, length), speed, height of jump, custom starting weapons for every single character.

-Custom Pickups: when enabled there is chance to get something else than actually collected weapon (also with extra starting ammo).
-“plugins” tool: server bot can send special commands to client (player’s mod) – sth like “change ammo” or “check variable” so we can remotely (changing only bot’s code, not player’s client) create new features (like new gamemodes) or antycheat.
-ELO ranking system (requires the bot hosted on server)
-Use Weapons Everywhere: when enabled players can use water weapons on the surface (torpedo, harpoon).
-Flames In Water: when enabled players can use flame thrower in water.
-Custom Drops: when enabled there is a chance for custom drop from killed player.
-New console (~) commands: set color, set weaponfov, set camerafov, fov (max fov is now 135), spectate, login, register, kick, set level, fpsmax, set weaponsize
-Accounts and permissions: now you can have admins/moderators on your server with ability to kick players and change level.
-Ability to balance weapons – thx to many configurable options for server host (so it’s no longer only plasma)
-It may still contain some critical bugs that we haven’t noticed yet – thank you for testing!

Potential future features: (to-do)
-Global accounts (same for every server).
-Even more new weapons (N64 ones like crossbow and maybe even AI’s weapons from singleplayer – dino’s grenades, lasers, marshyworms’ vomits etc).
-Collecting arrows (picking them from the ground) and other features from singleplayer.
-Cosmetics / cool efects to win in tournaments or temporarily during the game (
-Support for “quick” choice of weapon (now you have to use “normal” to get “singleplayer” weapons).
Potential plugins:
-Ranked RokMatch / 1v1 / Arena
-Voting for next map
-New gamemodes: Zombies vs Survivors, Boss fight arena (one of the players becomes giant boss/monster), Battle royale
-Mini-games: Fight in the dark (admin could enable/force blackout for every player)
b0.9: unlocked FPS, removed input lag, better mouse movement, new commands, “delayed load bug” has been fixed. (special thanks to (GoT) vis *RS* for such a long time spent on testing)
b0.8: many new configurable server settings, inter alia, custom Characters!: custom size, custom starting weapons, custom jump
b0.7: max fov is now 135! (use set fov 135 command), raptor is now 25% faster than others in rok match (when allCharsSame is on), bug fixes, more stable I guess
b0.6: ELO ranking system, improved razor arrows, ban command – new banning system, even more bugs fixed
b0.5: more bugs fixed
b0.4: bug fixes, new configurable things for server host, new AirStrike, triple nuke shot, black oil effect, spectate visual effect