Bp Snow Land

Author: Behemoth Programmer

Turok Forums Release Thread: https://www.turokforums.com/index.php?topic=489.0

Turok Sanctum Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/bp-snow-land/

Story: The Purr-Linn are marching towards the Northern Lost Lands with the intend to wipe out all humankind in their path. The Primagen has fooled the Purr-Linn into believing that he will turn the Lost Land over to them once they have helped free him. A high-tech weaponry and ammunition supply ship, maintained by a horde of lethal biomechanical droids, is currently on route toward the Purr-Linn army. Turok must destroy the ship and stop the Purr-Linn before it’s too late.

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