Danielle/Joseph Hand Textures for Turok 2

Author: Doommarine23

Danielle Hands Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/danielle-hands-for-turok-2/

Joseph Hands Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/joseph-hands-for-turok-2/

Freshen up your Turok 2 experience by replacing your first person arms with Danielle or Joseph Fireseed’s, using their actual Turok 3 textures, adapted to Turok 2!

Notes: These are simply texture replacers for the hands in Turok 2, and SHOULD BE compatible with every other mod. HOWEVER, if the mods you are using also replace the same textures, you will need to adjust your load order to ensure that my hand textures overwrite them.

Check out Rocket Launcher 2, its a mod launcher I’ve modified with Turok and Turok 2 support, with custom load order! https://github.com/Doommarine23/RocketLauncher2/releases

P.S: Some day this will go a step further with full voice replacers, and when community tools support it, custom character replacements.