Fusion of Realities

Author: DeXiaZ

Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/fusion-of-realities/

Hello, everyone!
The idea of this mod came a really long time ago when I’ve tried to play “Console Doom 64 TC”. The first map was a mix of Doom E1M1 and Doom 2 Map01 maps. I found this idea interesting. In the end of 2015 when I started to thinking about Doom 64 modding and I decided to do all other map mixes. I mean, E1M2+Map02, E1M3+Map03, etc… I want to do only the first Doom episode (Knee-Deep in the Dead) so that means that FoR will take only 9 (E1M2-E1M10) or 10 (E1M2-E1M10 + recreated E1M1).

At 17.09.2016 there are only 2 finished maps which you can playtest by yourself. This mod will use a custom soundtrack but uploaded file uses only original Doom 64 music because I have problems with running new midis in Doom 64 EX. Any comments will be appreciated!

This mod is planned to be played in “Watch me Die”. Also, this mod is planned to be hardcore so get ready to have problems with ammo and health pickups.

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