T3 Weapon Pack for Turok Dinosaur Hunter

Author: Doommarine23

Steam Workshop Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2221339012

Turok Sanctum Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/t3-weapon-pack-for-turok-dinosaur-hunter/


An early alpha release of my T3 Weapon Pack to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Turok 3’s release!

Unleash hell with a selection of weapons lovingly ported from Turok 3 including the pistol, double barrel, assault rifle, minigun and grenade launcher!

Experience a Turok 3-like experience with replaced audio and visuals for pick ups and the player HUD, as well as footsteps and landings directly taken from Turok 3!


Compatible with mods that do not edit the following:

Scripts – weapons.txt player.txt
Defs – ammoinfo.txt weaponinfo.txt actors/ammo.txt actors/weapons.txt
Anims – dyn_minigun dyn_pistol dyn_rifle dyn_shotgun
Models – dyn_minigun dyn_pistol dyn_rifle dyn_shotgun

I suggest using Light Burden, my Turok mod launcher to control load order and compatiblity


The Minigun does not have underwater sounds.
Weapons do not have unique sounds for being drawn underwater.
Weapons need to be tweaked to better match their performance in Turok 3.
The walking animations for some guns is fairly wobbly, and will be addressed in a later update. For now I suggest using Generic Weapon Bobbing in Turok’s Gameplay options menu. It looks similar to Turok 3’s movement as well.


Fix all known issues
Add more Turok 3 weapons
Improve animations and features for all existing weapons
Replace all ammo and health/item pickups
Improve footsteps and water sounds
Some big secrets!


Light Burden – Turok Mod Launcher [github.com]