Turok 2 Singleplayer Guns in DooM [Doom Mod]

Author: Raffine52, thebestmlTBM

Turok Forums Thread: https://www.turokforums.com/index.php?topic=590.0

Turok Sanctum Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/turok-2-singleplayer-guns-in-doom-doom-mod/

Edited Build Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/turok-2-singleplayer-guns-in-doom-doom-mod-edited-build/

Addons Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/turok-2-sp-guns-in-doom-addons/

This mod by him is somewhat same but with Singleplayer Weapons!

Joshua Fireseed is summoned by Adon, the Speaker of Forever Light. She explains that Joshua has been called by the Elders of the Lost Land, the Lazarus Concordance, to stop the Demons from Hell from Destroying his Home Land. Joshua’s task is thus clear: he must locate the Demons, destroy all forces mobilized to attack them, and then destroy Hell itself to end the threat that he poses to the Lost Land once and for all. In the process, he must defeat Hell’s armies and acquire powerful weapons. But He’s not alone: He’s joined by Tal-Set, The Turok from Turok 1, to Aid in his quest.