Turok Model And Animation Editor Scripts For Unity

Author: Behemoth Programmer

Turok Forums Thread: https://www.turokforums.com/index.php?topic=582.0

Turok Sanctum Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/turok-model-and-animation-editor-scripts-for-unity/

I’m sure everyone who enjoys making custom models and animation mods would really like this. Just keep in mind these were only for me, but I’m giving them to everyone anyway so they’re not fancy. If you’re new to Unity and need to know how to use it then watching videos of getting started with Unity would be what you need. Unity Personal Edition (https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download) is free to download and you can use that to use these scripts.

You will need basic knowledge of how to navigate Unity (There’s plenty of Tutorials online for getting started). And if you’re interested in making animations you’ll need to know how to create AnimationClips. And I’ll explain how to use the scripts I made in Unity.

Video Guide:

Additional Help (That’s not in the video):

T1 Models

  • Setting the “Is an Actor?” checkbox will set the bounding box accordingly.

T1 Animations

  • Clicking on a Animation Clip file will show the wrap mode. Setting it to “Once” will set that animations loop frame to it’s last frame. Any other wrap mode will set the loop frame to 0.
  • Added a new Component “T1AnimEventMono” for setting animation Key Frame Actions. Add this component along with your Animation component to create key frames on the animations.

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