Turok Rage Wars Mouse Input

Author: Drahsid

Turok Forums Release Thread: https://www.turokforums.com/index.php?topic=747.0

Turok Sanctum Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/ragewarsscripts/

What is this?
This is NOT a PC port. This is merely a collection of memory hacks that have sprung from my reverse engineering utilizing my fork of Mupen64Plus 

What does this give you?

  • Mouse input with customizable look-sensitivity

What problem does this solve?
This completely bypasses the joystick, so you are not limited to the game’s interpretation of the stick input. You are not limited to the -128-127 range on either axis.

Cool. How do I get it?
Download any version of Mupen64Plus that is not Mupen64Plus-nx!!
Download and extract this into the root directory of Mupen64. This should replace “mupen64plus.dll”, and you should see a new folder called “scripts.”
That’s it, run Turok RW in Mupen!

Note that for proper keyboard controls, you will have to configure the input of Mupen to use your desired buttons. I will not go over how to do that but do highly suggest sharing your configurations when you get something that you like.

How do I configure the options?
In the Mupen64Plus directory, navigate to ./scripts/Turok – Rage Wars (U) (V1.0) [!]/ and edit MouseInput.wren with your text editor of choice. The options have comments describing their relevance.


  • If you get an issue related to the input plugin, replace it with this

Other notes
You can press  HOME to lock/unlock the mouse
If you fancy learning a high level scripting language, you can use what I have already set up to make more memory hacks that may do a plethora of things.

Special thanks to Kaiser