Behemoth Programmer’s MP addons v1.0

Author: Behemoth Programmer

Turok Forums Release Thread:

Turok Sanctum Download:

Original Supplied Download:

This mod contains MP addons that can be integrated into your own MP mod. Or if you just want to use it as is then rename the .zip to .kpf and throw it in your mods folder.


  • Host commands to change gravity, speed, damage, abilities such as double jump, dashing (double tap movement direction), ground pounding (Press <Crouch> when high in the air), and player slapping
  • Flare Gun causes damage to enemies and sets ai enemies on fire
  • Mag60 new fire sound effect. Press <Alt Fire> to enter it’s alternate fire mode where each shot causes massive damage but consumes 25 rounds.
  • Razorwind throws and moves faster and always comes back to player and keeps it’s blood texture up to 3 non hits. Seeks to ai enemies (OP).

How to add to your existing mod
Copy the folders to your mods folders. If your OS asks are you sure you want to overwrite a file then you have conflict and you need to take note of the described core Turok 2 file changes below. The changes to those files are required but you may have changed those files for your own mod. If you don’t want to overwrite them you can read below and make the changes I’ve detailed below yourself for each file conflict.

Changes to core Turok 2 files

  • defs/enemies.txt (Added scriptcomponents for all enemies and added more defs for enemies that didn’t have one)
  • defs/misc.txt (Changed scriptclass on kActor_Misc_MissileController, kActor_Misc_BoreController, kActor_Misc_BladeController)
  • defs/player.txt (added scriptcomponent)
  • defs/weapons.txt (added scriptcomponents for all weapons)
  • particles/Flare.particle (required changes for modded flare gun)
  • particles/Sawblade.particle (Changed hits to be violent and increased damage values)
  • sounds/shaders/Flare Fizzle Loop.ksnd (changed some volume and pitch settings)
  • sounds/shaders/Mag60 Pistol Fire.ksnd (changed wavefile path to play the new sound file)

Console commands
call help (Shows a list of all available commands)
call showmods (Displays a list of the current servers mod settings)

Host only commands
call grav0 to 100 (Sets gravity. Default value 60)
call speed0 to 100 (Sets player speed. Default value 50)
call dmg0 to 100 (Sets the damage scale that players deal out. Default value 10)
call dmg1000 (Sets the damage scale that players deal out to 1000 aka insta kill)
call dmgshowon (Turns on damage number popups)
call dmgshowoff (Turns off damage number popups)
call def0 to 100 (Sets how much scaled damage players will receive. Default value 10)
call def1000 (Sets how much scaled damage players will receive to 1000 aka 1 hit death)
call jumpon (Turns on Double Jump ability)
call jumpoff (Turns off Double Jump ability)
call dashon (Turns on Ground Dash ability)
call dashoff (Turns off Ground Dash ability)
call airdashon (Turns on Air Dash ability)
call airdashoff (Turns off Air Dash ability)
call slamon (Turns on Ground Slam ability)
call slamoff (Turns off Ground Slam ability)
call cloakon (Turns on players cloaking)
call cloakoff (Turns off players cloaking)
call slap0 to 15 (Slaps a player with id. Type playeridx in console to find the player id to slap)

call grav52
will set gravity for players to 0.52

  • 0%
    - 0%

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