Author: Antnee
For all info go here:
Update 11/8/2018!
Bonus maps 27 and 28 are complete! These are challenging little bite sized maps, hope you like em!
Update 10/19/2018!
I’ve spent the last few days reading through the feedback here, and rebalancing some things. Ammo, health, and armor have all been adjusted based on feedback, as well as a few bugfixes that I somehow missed.
With that, I felt the time was right to present this to Doomworld. So it’s there now.
Levels 27-29 will be coming soon, but I’ve been suffering an injury that’s really killed my concentration.
I just wanted to thank you for all your support and feedback. Much love!
Update 10/7/2018!
Added level 26! Description below:
(Evil laughter)
Update 10/5/2018!
Added levels 24 and 25!
Level 24 completes the “main” game. Level 25 is the start of episode 5, which is going to be a series of challenging, “Thy Flesh Consumed” type maps. Hope you’re up for a challenge!!
Update 10/2/2018!
Added the third and final secret level!
Update 9/28/2018!
Just finished up level 23!Good luck if you wish to beat this from a pistol start!
Update 9/20/2018!
I’m back! Added level 22! Starting on level 23 right now… Have fun!
Update 9/13/2018!
Today, I’m releasing levels 21 and 31!
Level 21 is the first level of chapter 4, the “fire and brimstone” levels. I strongly recommend not playing these on the hardest difficulty the first time around.
Level 31 has been a long time in the making, and I think it’s going to be a “love it or hate it” type level. You will die the first few times playing it. That’s all I’ll say about that!
Update 8/28/2018!
Been down and out for a while, but I’ve begun work on the project again. Today, I’m releasing three new levels! 17, 19, and 20 will complete chapter 3. I’ve already begun the first level of chapter 4, so expect more updates very soon!
Update 7/24/2016!
Got a weird spurt of motivation and completed level 16!

Update 7/23/2016!
Added Level 15! This completes episode 2. If you’re playing on the hardest difficulty, you can expect a spike in difficulty going forward. I’ve been working on level 16 while I have some downtime at the office, and due to the simplicity of the design, it really shouldn’t take too long to complete.

As always, thanks for playing, and I look forward to your feedback!
Update 3/2/2016!
Added Level 14! This one’s a total bitch to pistol-start on hard. Have fun!
Update 2/25/2016!
Added level 12! This one’s a bit divergent from the standard D64 design, gameplay-wise. There are two doors to choose from in the beginning; each path has its own benefits and difficulties to overcome before they converge later.
There is a secret exit, but the level it leads to (31) is unfinished, and may stay that way for a while. 31 is a weird level, and it’s going to take some time for me to really get the mechanics and feel of the thing really… right.
(also, I forgot to update this when I added level 11 like a week or so ago. sorry!)
This update effectively “fills the gap”. There are now a solid 13 levels in a row (14, if you wanna count the secret level that’s done). So now, it’s time to start a new one!
Update 2/5/2016!
Added level 10, finally! As a warning, prepare to get your ass handed to you if you play this on Hard.
Hope you like it!
Update 4/23/15!
Added levels 9 and (why the hell not) 13! Fixed a few bugs that were mentioned to me here and in the r/doom subreddit. Added some custom level names, and custom text! Please feel free to let me know about any bugs you find, and feedback is always welcome!
Update 4/20/15!
Level 9 is completely done, and level 10 is well underway. Progress is slowing down a bit, as hell levels provide a lot of opportunity for interesting “3d” stuff. But, here’s a screenshot of a WIP!
Update 4/10/15!
Added levels 7 and 8, completing Episode One!
I’ve also been working on the beginning of Episode Two- Level 13 is done, and I’m about halfway through level 9. I’ll release a chunk of hellish levels in the coming months… hopefully. In the meantime, here’s some previews of whats to come!
Thanks as always for playing. If you find any bugs, be sure to let me know and I’ll squash em!
Update 4/1/15!
Added levels 5 and 6!
A bit of history: level 5 was one of the maps I had originally made for Jdoom. I redesigned huge portions of it to accommodate the scripting in EX, but there may be some leftover issues as it is a pretty large level. I test all my stuff very thoroughly before I put it out there, but ya’ll know how it is sometimes.
Currently, I am doing a bit of bugfixing/recoloring in level 8. After that, I plan on wrapping up level 7. Having a bit of “mapper’s block” though. I have an interesting idea for the last section, but just need to work out the implementation.
Hope you like them!
I’ve been working on a Doom 64 megawad for many years now, and I’m happy to announce that the first episode is near completion. Levels 1-6, 8, and secret level 32 are completely done, and level 7 is about 50% done. When I get level 7 done, I’ll release the first episode. Some screenshots!
Originally, this project started out using the Jdoom platform, but after seeing what 64ex was capable of, I painstakingly converted all my work over. This is a pretty ambitious project; my aim is to replace all 32 levels with completely original maps. A lot of the preliminary sketches for the later levels are done.
For Kaiser: I see that your next goal with 64ex is to expand modding features, would you care to elaborate? I would *love* to have a couple “custom” monsters in here. Is this going to be possible in the near future?