Vanilla Sector Collection
Author: Coyote Knight Turok Sanctum Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/vanilla-sector-collection/ This is a collection of all vanilla sectors found in Turok 1. This little map should help you…
Author: Coyote Knight Turok Sanctum Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/vanilla-sector-collection/ This is a collection of all vanilla sectors found in Turok 1. This little map should help you…
Author: Badger Turok Forums Release Thread: https://www.turokforums.com/index.php?topic=756.0 Turok Sanctum Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/sprite-and-model-test-map/ This is a modder’s resource I made in an hour last night. I basically…
Author: Behemoth Programmer Turok Forums Release Thread: https://www.turokforums.com/index.php?topic=710.0 Turok Sanctum Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/blender-import-export-addon/ ——————————————————————————————————————– TurokEX Import-Export Blender Addon v1.1.0 by BehemothProgrammer ——————————————————————————————————————– This is an addon…
Author: Smoke39 Turok Sanctum Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/pallette/ A map that has (almost) all the meshes and non-enemy actors placed down for you to be able to…
Author: Doommarine23 Turok Sanctum Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/light-burden/ Github Download: https://github.com/Doommarine23/RocketLauncher2/releases VERSION 0.6 README: DoomMarine23’s Light Burden, a fork of Hypnotoad90’s Rocket Launcher 2 WHAT IS THIS:…
Author: Behemoth Programmer Turok Forums Thread: https://www.turokforums.com/index.php?topic=582.0 Turok Sanctum Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/turok-model-and-animation-editor-scripts-for-unity/ I’m sure everyone who enjoys making custom models and animation mods would really like this.…