Tag: Doom64 EX

Outcast , Redemption Denied and Reckonking
Author: thexgiddoomerx Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/outcast-redemption-denied-and-reckonking/ OUTCAST LEVELS (AND OTHER TC MAPS) FOR DOOM 64 EX STATUS: DONE ,KEEP FOR UPDATES. GET IT HEREOTHER TC MAPS Be sure to download…

Fusion of Realities
Author: DeXiaZ Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/fusion-of-realities/ Hello, everyone! The idea of this mod came a really long time ago when I’ve tried to play “Console Doom 64 TC”. The…

Sentinels Final
Author: Kr00zA Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/sentinels-final/ Here another reworked map.Completely overhauled this one. Having learnt a bit more how to use doom builder Ive managed to improve to look…

Who Dares, Dies!
Author: Dave Dare Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/who-dares-dies/ “Who Dares, Dies!” will be a 9 level map set (8 regular maps and 1 secret level). You may have already played…

Vital Fluid
Author: Sixty Four Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/vital-fluid/ Story:Doomguy has intel that the demons are using blood to power one of there bases with enough blood and souls they…

DooD 6446 EXXE
Author: DeXiaZ Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/dood-6446-exxe/ DooD isi baab! Now everything is repeated for Doom 64 (EX sourceport). How to install and use:This mod works ONLY for Doom 64…

Doom64 EX + ReShade
Author: HellBlade64 Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/doom64-ex-reshade/ I was bored today, so I sat at my computer and spent probably 2-3 hours fiddling with settings in ReShade to give…

The Descent
Author: Forsete Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/the-descent/ ================================================================ Title : The Descent Date Completed : 14/11/2014 Filename : thedescent.wad Author : Thobias Fast Email Address : thibiasfast_(AT)hotmail.com / thobias.fast(AT)gmail.com…

Infernal Abyss
Author: Darkkingkongman Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/infernal-abbyss/ Okay. This map took me a couple of days to make. But it’s finally finsished. Enjoy!

Doom 64 TC Exclusive Maps
Author: Footman Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/doom-64-tc-exclusive-maps/ I’ve begun to remake the Doom 64 TC exclusive maps for Doom 64 EX.

Biledemon maps
Author: biledemon Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/biledemon-map07/ hello every body as always ive made a new map 07 its a one map been working on it for a long…

Bread On Toast
Author: biledemon Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/bread-on-toast/ hello all ive been on and off this site for a long time and i thought id join make doom maps hope…

Tower Of The Damned
Author: xXEyefOfTheStorm64Xx Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/tower-of-the-damned/ Just a map I through together its a lot better then the previous one I uploaded Give me some feedback let me know…

Footman Doom64 EX Maps
Author: Footman Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/footman-doom64ex-maps/ A zip of wads maps from Footman

The Beginnage Facility
Author: Dave Dare Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/the-beginnage-facility/ This is my first ever public Doom release, so please be gentle. 😉 I’ve been Doom mapping on and off for…

Monster Teleporter Test
Author: HellBalde64 Download: https://turoksanctum.com/download/monspawntest-wad/ This is a very, VERY, simplistic WAD I made for DooM64EX to see if Doom\2\Final’s ear teleport trick worked, if you don’t…